The young lady, he thought ruefully, carried realism to quite unnecessary lengths.
Both have typical Cunningham open-ended structures that in a work like "Doubletoss," for all its luminous beauty, can also lead to unnecessary length.
While noting that some of the best-handled content did not appear until 2 hours into the film, what was perceived as an unnecessary length detracted.
Nikolais repeated some of his points at unnecessary length, but several scenes were intellectually provocative as well as clever.
He told his story--perhaps at somewhat unnecessary length.
It was just possible that he thought it made him look sophisticated rather than, say, like a man carrying an unnecessary length of wood.
Dreamliner - 27 days ago Celebrities go to absurd and unnecessary lengths to transform their bodies.
Words Looked Up: * prolix: extended to great, unnecessary, or tedious length; long and wordy.
Throughout the afternoon Fairgrave did most of the talking, at great and unnecessary length.
He also felt that Lady Desdea spoke at unnecessary length.