A new 'gateway' has been created to prevent the creation of needless powers and reduce unnecessary intrusion into people's homes.
It is an unnecessary intrusion of "esthetic art" into a didactic statement.
Artus returned to his office having decided to let people do their jobs without unnecessary intrusions.
Had the Court gone the other way, such intrusions - unnecessary to insuring officer safety or preserving evidence - would have become widespread.
Meanwhile, a panel of civil liberties experts will recommend guidelines to minimize unnecessary intrusions.
But, saying the board would constitute "an unnecessary intrusion on a private labor matter," The News won a temporary court order to block it.
Russian officials described the request, says the paper, as an "unnecessary intrusion."
They thought it was an unnecessary intrusion into the game and slowed the action on the field.
It is a totally unnecessary intrusion into the freedoms of millions of people.
Pharmaceutical companies say the regulation will significantly reduce sales in New York, and professional organizations see it as an unnecessary intrusion.