Personally, he regarded the king's abjuring of northern furnishings as an entirely unnecessary gesture.
The prince raised his hands to draw their attention, an unnecessary gesture, because it seemed everyone in the cave had their eyes fixed on him.
The drone turned its front to her; an unnecessary gesture, they both knew, but one it was used to making.
The warrior had held up his hand for attention, as unnecessary a gesture as Martok could imagine.
It was therefore a stupid, dangerous and unnecessary gesture which cost Wales the match.
It was an unnecessary gesture, because she was nearly frozen with fear.
He did so with the economical ease of a born Belter who never made unnecessary gestures in space.
An unnecessary gesture, of course, but one that seemed to be endemic to Starfleet personnel.
Trant yanked his arms free in an unnecessary gesture of defiance.
She was impressed that they had both already learned not to make unnecessary gestures in zero-g.