A simple 'what' can also suffice rather than the unnecessarily aggressive 'WTF'.
It was Humphries that came off badly - he was hectoring, unnecessarily aggressive and asked downright embarrassing questions.
Some cyclists have contributed to the showdown with unnecessarily aggressive behavior like blocking traffic and running red lights.
A lot of people had thought that I was too touchy and unnecessarily aggressive, and probably I was; but I was remembering this piece of good advice.
While he could be forceful and committed, he was never dogmatic or unnecessarily aggressive.
Anderson carefully laid out the group's version of Tuesday morning's arrests, noting that though the occupiers had expanded their territory without approval from the city, he believed police had taken an unnecessarily aggressive approach.
Cyrus, pull all ships back, we don't want to look unnecessarily aggressive.
In addition, many sport utility drivers have a tendency to be unnecessarily aggressive, similar to drivers of expensive sports cars, and that again poses a safety threat.
A shabby man, unnecessarily aggressive, pushed him.
Cod, which is buttery and sweet, was a perfect fit for the oily fragrance of the grains, and they did not seem unnecessarily aggressive, as ordinary pepper can.