Problems with weaving can include weight loss and uneven hoof wear, unnatural stress on the legs and lameness.
Dr. Robert Markison, a San Francisco hand surgeon who specializes in R.S.I., has pointed out that such kinds of configurations place unnatural stress on the thumb.
If it weren't for the darker sexual hungers that filled him, then the unnatural stress beginning to grow between them would never have been there.
Sikes's unnatural stress on the species moved them to a sharper level of cognizance.
He took advantage of the rhythmic flexibility of the French language, but sometimes took this to extremes, forcing words into unnatural stresses.
There were other factors involved in her selection, mostly sanity safeguards for a young woman who was going to be subjected to unnatural stresses.
Bass lines and inner voices emerge freely without any unnatural stress.
The posture puts an unnatural stress on the spine and shortens the neck.
"People can't do as good a job if they have unnatural stresses on them."
Such tasks, he went on, impose unnatural stresses on the hands, wrists and fingers.