At last he paused, and seemed to gesture; the shapes around them seemed to spring into unnatural life.
"So that this unnatural life may be delivered down to Journey's End."
She had blinded it and thrust deep into its chest, without reaching its unnatural life.
Your path will be an unnatural life leading to a death that is against nature.
For, after a moment of renewed pleasure, he had become one with the thing whose unnatural life Daubendiek was devouring.
In the course of their now unnatural lives it was likely they would all change, perhaps profoundly.
I myself lead as unnatural life as possible, and I'm proud of it.
And I'm going to make damned sure that you end up in a prison for the rest of your unnatural life!
But still the unnatural life burned within the mummy's withered breast.
Have I not lived ten months of this unnatural life?