Others speculate over his funding, and argue about whether to ignore or counterattack him-although, according to Cosh, some unnamed scientists acknowledge that his criticisms have merit.
According to unconfirmed news reports, they were found by unnamed scientists allegedly searching for dinosaurs.
An unnamed scientist in the 853rd Century performed experiments in superstring theory that creates a singularity and whose radiation alters his physical make-up.
Dr. Ian then orders the fossil samples to be cloned by two unnamed scientists in hazmat suits inside a cloning chamber and says that the whole animal should be reformed within 24 hours.
Saying that to assert such a connection "saddened," "angered and disgusted" her, the Jan. 28 writer supports her opinion with vague reference to the secondhand opinions of unnamed "scientists of note."
Planet NGC-1611 is a typical world in all ways, omitting that it was constructed from raw materials by an unnamed scientist.
Three unnamed scientists exploring the island at the time discovered it where they thought he was a prehistoric ancestor of mankind.
Cook describes Die Glocke as emitting strong radiation when activated, an effect that supposedly led to the death of several unnamed scientists and various plant and animal test subjects.
The HIVE Master had gathered seven other unnamed criminal scientists to take over the world and eliminate their enemies in the form of Superman and the Teen Titans.
She uses unnamed famous scientists, Aleister Crowley and Yūsuke Santamaria as models for several of her characters.