The diplomatic niceties of the past, when Pakistan was only alluded to as some unnamed malevolent power, have been scrapped.
The unnamed foreign power suspected of attempting to seize Alaska, California, or Oregon is Japan.
After the operation, they have been sent by unnamed powers to London, where - deep satire!
The song is a dramatic ballad, with Ndoci pleading with an unnamed power to bring his love back to him.
This week the mayor blamed unnamed "powers that be" for a flow of recovery dollars he deemed "painfully slow."
But Fields is also a spy working for an unnamed foreign power.
However, once his cover is blown, it's a race against time to stop Tree from selling the secrets to an unnamed foreign power.
This so far unnamed power lets the user control people through food.
The story concerns an attack on England by an unnamed foreign power, generally assumed to represent Germany.
It is a young adult invasion literature novel, detailing the occupation of Australia by an unnamed foreign power.