In 1966, a plague called the "wandering sickness" is spread by the unnamed enemy using its last few remaining aircraft.
The hint could mean that a real record got through but was garbled, confusing the Eternals with their unnamed enemies.
His unnamed enemies were more determined than the usual, but they were only human, after all.
Old TV sets show 1950's cartoons and science films with propaganda messages about destroying an unnamed enemy.
Fattie Zombie: The most powerful unnamed enemy in the game.
Mr. Bush referred only to unnamed enemies who "have unwisely chosen to test America's resolve."
Clearly the village is under assault by unnamed enemies.
Speaking informally on a visit to a factory, the President blamed the rupiah's fall on a plot by unnamed enemies to destroy the economy.
As if on cue, several loud bangs resonated where Beta's rear guard still fought off unnamed enemies.
Another was to blame unnamed enemies for trying to undermine Clinton.