One office was invaded by F4J members who tied up an unnamed employee allegedly suffering from a heart condition.
Constantine reigned for ten years before being assassinated by an unnamed employee of his, identified only as a Pict.
One office was invaded by F4J members and detained an unnamed employee.
The memos, which Greenwald says were provided by two unnamed employees at the network, set the agenda for how events will be covered.
KPMG must also hew to its statement regarding criminal wrongdoing by the firm and by certain unnamed employees.
It was ultimately discovered that the game had been leaked by an unnamed employee of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, who was subsequently fired as a result.
Another unnamed employee was hired to don a chicken outfit at a Padres game.
An unnamed employee at Keymarket Communications told Radio Info that "the station has gone dark and will no longer be broadcasting."
The case was brought to the Government's attention in 1987 by an unnamed employee who sued Ametek under the False Claims Act, or "whistle-blower act."
Sales director Tony Newman and another unnamed employee had left the firm following claims of irregularities in the company's books.