The misery of cholera, the evil plague, unnamed and unknown diseases are its behest to mankind.
Kleinman's ultimate loss of Ginger to an unnamed disease (probably Alzheimer's) is the trigger for the chapter in his life he calls "the Decline."
He was the first to come out publicly as a person living with the then unnamed disease.
Chexbres is dying of an unnamed disease.
These emotions center on Roderick Usher who, like many Poe characters, suffers from an unnamed disease.
Kenny dies again, and this time it's because the government's ban on stem-cell research prevented a cure for his unnamed muscular disease.
Bellamy is a doctor that has come home to a warm springs to try to heal children from the unnamed crippling disease (polio).
In it, she asks him to come visit her back in their home town, because she is dying of an unnamed disease.
Giovanni is a boy from a poor family, working hard to feed his sick mother (who has contracted an unnamed disease).