An unnamed and unperfected bishop of Haditha was present at the consecration of the patriarch ʿAbdishoʿ II in 1074.
Finally, an unnamed bishop of Gubos was one of three bishops from the Melitene district who were compelled to consecrate the patriarch Philoxenus Nemrud in 1282.
An unnamed bishop of Wasit was perfected by the patriarch Bar Sawma after his consecration in 1134.
An unnamed bishop of Balad was present at the consecration of the patriarch Bar Sawma in 1134.
This is because two unnamed Scottish bishops were consecrated at the Third Lateran Council in March 1179, and candidates for these bishops are otherwise short in supply.
In 1891 an unnamed Nestorian bishop is also recorded at Zoghget, in the Arzun district.
An unnamed bishop of Nil was present at the consecration of the patriarch Eliya I in 1028.
An unnamed bishop of Dunblane occurs in the Dunfermline Registrum, dating to April 1227, and this was certainly Osbert.
Church representatives ordered by the Pope to assist the unnamed bishop were the Bishop of Linköping and the Cistercian abbot in Gotland.
An unnamed bishop of Salmas was one of only three remaining Nestorian bishops in 1551.