The problem was that usury, a necessary component of capitalism, was an unmitigated evil to the church.
"Are you saying that slavery was not an unmitigated evil?"
It is an unmitigated evil, utterly indefensible in the light of philosophy, religion or good sense.
On the one hand, some philosophers have been adamant about the unmitigated evil of lies.
It is a story of unmitigated evil.
That explained the malice, and the feeling of pure, unmitigated evil.
Smith said bluntly that Coleman's long life was an unmitigated evil (has anyone ever lived such a life?).
Less than 50 years ago Americans died fighting the unmitigated evil of Nazism.
First of all, PAC's are not the unmitigated evil that some would have us believe.
"It is an evil, sir, an unmitigated evil," Lincoln said.