God had intervened in an unmistakable way.
But just now, out the window, it's graying up in that unmistakable way.
The big minister signalled to Joseph in an unmistakable way.
Those who have come into a home meeting or into the public celebrations have met God in an unmistakable way.
Her stance changed, in subtle but unmistakable ways.
Just then Devin d'Asoli felt his pulse accelerate in a quite unmistakable way.
It is among Hungarian youth that the new ways of thinking have begun, in small but unmistakable ways, to take hold.
Certainly a lot of the information he had gained seemed to point in a rather unmistakable way to Austin.
But the four men raised their Winchester rifles, and in an unmistakable way commanded them to stop.
But they didn't show it in an unmistakable way.