Heller drove the jeep up the road and plunged it off the highway onto the almost unmarked trail.
And we were glad when the unmarked trail we followed wound through woods, shelter which kept off the worst of the blasts.
Returning, he rode through familiar mountains along an unmarked trail that recalled many memories of other days.
It followed an unmarked trail, somehow finding its course through a snowy wasteland of leafless trees and barren hills.
It is an unmarked trail, usually done from west to east, which takes about 45 days to complete for an average hiker.
An unmarked trail goes along the west shoreline of Squantz Pond.
The unmarked trail is found close to the ranger station on the Terentang Trail.
It is also possible to make a long approach from the northwest via unmarked trail through Cortina Valley (past the former ski resort).
Another half-mile further is the parking lot at road's end, where an unmarked trail begins on the lot's east side.
Beyond Bjorgo, an unmarked trail leads from the paved highway northward toward Prest.