The centerpiece is a $9.8 million "unmarked" helicopter, which can fly at night without lights.
In 1993, she claims to have seen a silent silver craft fly past her closely followed by several unmarked black helicopters.
"What is the shocking truth about the unmarked black helicopters now being observed in Texas, Idaho, California and other locations throughout America?"
There was an unmarked black helicopter amid rows of stacked crates.
The opposing sides are using unmarked helicopters and armored vehicles captures from bases.
A purple-and-silver unmarked helicopter was sitting in the middle of a playground, its rotor blades slowly turning.
Now an unmarked black helicopter waited on the very same pad to spirit Walter off to God knows where.
Many of those trips have been in the unmarked black helicopters that fly important visitors on secret flights from Turkey.
Umetzu had arrived at the Yamagata family estate in an unmarked helicopter, accompanied by four younger men.
She never noticed the unmarked helicopter droning high above, its tiny video camera aimed squarely at her.