A café that sits across from an unmarked building.
He found the Janos lab in an unmarked building.
"I work far from here," she said as she stood outside the drab, unmarked building searching for a minibus taxi.
We're sitting in the "pot club" a few blocks from Wallace's home, an unmarked building where medical marijuana is distributed to members.
As the column turned left at the unmarked squarish building, Wilten pointed to the green across the green.
Better to put the books in an unmarked building, like an underground army hiding in plain sight.
The reporters on today's tour said no ordinary people knew what purpose the unmarked building served.
They pointed to a dingy-looking, unmarked building at the side of the Cathedral.
It's in an unmarked building behind the Fort School.
At the core of this debate is a small, unmarked building here, surrounded by tight security.