I can't imagine this field in the future without unmanned aircraft.
In 2003, the airfield was being used to fly unmanned aircraft.
The unmanned aircraft underwent assembly and continues preparations for flight tests, expected to begin in 2012.
This was the first time an unmanned aircraft had been used in air-to-air combat.
A few unmanned aircraft which the boffins liked to mess about with.
This was the first air-to-air kill scored by an unmanned aircraft in the history of air warfare.
The savings could then be invested in developing far more advanced weapons, like unmanned aircraft.
It announced three years ago that it had built an unmanned aircraft with a range of more than 600 miles, far enough to reach Israel.
Its goal was to allow allied nations to easily share information obtained from unmanned aircraft through common ground control station technology.
The Army needs to reduce its reliance on vulnerable helicopters by using more unmanned aircraft.