Now with a reputation as an 'unlucky ship' and with a damaged hull, she was abandoned by her owners and beached.
She's an unlucky ship.
Somehow the news didn't completely surprise him; the Martyr was a notoriously unlucky ship.
How glad we shall be to see the green banks of the Tagus, and leave this unlucky ship for ever!
Then she cast off and started swimming as quietly as possible toward the dark shadow of the unlucky ship, Manitou.
The Chesapeake - to her suspicious sailors, an "unlucky" ship - got her chance for glory and redemption in June 1814.
More than ever they resembled diminutive pirates, boarding an unlucky ship from above.
"I take it that you are the officer and commander of the other unlucky ship."
Robin Hill had been sold to some peer or other, and she wished him joy of it--she knew its history as of some unlucky ship!
It must have sent a good many unlucky ships to the bottom.