But for most of the country's history, America allowed essentially unlimited immigration without descending into Hobbesian chaos.
We invited immigration, unlimited, and pointed out that we had a labor shortage and any immigrant could be self-supporting at once.
I'm not arguing for unlimited immigration, you understand, just a sense of proportion in how we treat those who are here already.
It can be outside of the EU though but that doesn't help unlimited immigration from inside the EU.
Now Labour have invented a new weapon to put British people out of work - uncontrolled, unlimited, unnecessary and unwanted immigration.
The party is pro-life, opposes all gun control, seeks to end affirmative action, racial quotas, and illegal and unlimited immigration.
Given these demographics, many economists say that a Bush administration, to fill 30 million new jobs, would have to open the borders to unlimited immigration.
We no longer control our own borders and suffer unlimited and uncontrolled immigration.
The UK has a completely uncontrolled, unlimited and chaotic immigration and asylum system.
If we continue our path of unlimited immigration, we will have a population of nearly half a billion by 2050.