The interiors were as luxurious as unlimited expenditure could make them, from the fitted Wilton carpets and cut-glass chandeliers in the saloon to the solid gold and onyx fittings in the bathrooms.
Bans companies with government contracts in excess of $50,000 from making unlimited expenditures.
It was the first presidential primary to be affected by a Supreme Court ruling that allowed unlimited independent expenditures to support or oppose candidates through super PACs.
He set parameters, provided the authorization for unlimited expenditures, and initiated a search of the Seine.
National party committees may also make unlimited "independent expenditures" to support or oppose federal candidates.
It is customary to point out that Citizens United also frees labor unions to make unlimited expenditures.
Hence, unlimited independent expenditures risk undermining public confidence in the integrity of the electoral process.
While the court stressed that parties remain free to make unlimited expenditures that are "truly independent" of candidates, its ruling yesterday closes a potentially huge loophole.
Last June, the Supreme Court ruled that political parties (as well as PACs, interest groups, and individuals) can make unlimited independent expenditures on behalf of candidates.
"Under the law, that group could make unlimited expenditures promoting that candidate, as long as they are considered 'independent expenditures.' "