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His position is clear enough, and seems unlikely to change quickly.
A person close to the family said such a move was unlikely.
Congress is unlikely to take up the issue until next year.
But they are unlikely to have any room the rest of the season.
But the study is unlikely to put the matter to rest.
The two are unlikely to go easy on the President.
And one person involved is unlikely to have a good time.
Her thinking was unlikely to change, no matter what happened between the two of them.
But people involved in the case said such an action by the Government was unlikely.
At first he seemed an unlikely man for the job.
We went over every kind of defense, both likely and unlikely.
However, they are unlikely to have problems in all of these areas.
The case, however, is unlikely to come to court until the end of 2011.
Why should they have found her all alone in such an unlikely place?
To think of such an unlikely thing was to return to common sense.
Even if she asked, he would be unlikely to help her.
The words seemed less unlikely than when he had said them to his father.
But that would seem unlikely because he has not done much work.
But that is not the same as saying his story was unlikely.
The administration is unlikely to give the industry everything it wants.
He said it was unlikely either group had more than 100 members.
In fact, his role is even more unlikely than that.
But the friend said it was unlikely he would change his mind.
This bill, however, seems unlikely to become law any time soon.
An unlikely issue will go some way toward doing that.