That, or his presence was another unlikely coincidence.
"As it was, only an unlikely coincidence enabled us to escape."
That could be true only if their planet of origin were very similar to Earth, which seemed too much of an unlikely coincidence.
Through an unlikely coincidence, Julie learns that her baby has arranged to meet one of these guys.
There are too many facts that look suspiciously to me like unlikely coincidences .
Tom has a tendency to get into trouble as a result of unlikely coincidences.
Now that he did, though, he agreed with his brother: there had been several unlikely coincidences.
So, it just seemed like an unlikely coincidence and thus unworthy of an urgent call to the Emir himself.
The sudden appearance of such a unique event directly in his path seemed an unlikely coincidence.
Theme, by its nature, is a series of aesthetically pleasing but statistically unlikely coincidences.