If milk and carbonation appear to be unlikely bedfellows, it is a marriage of necessity.
The privacy concerns have made for some unlikely bedfellows.
"They're certainly unlikely bedfellows, and the fact that it took so long to launch raises questions about the quality of the working relationship between them."
And the mix of schools participating in the program makes for somewhat unlikely bedfellows.
In terms of corporate cultures, however, the two make unlikely bedfellows.
I had found myself, because of my views, in a lobby with a number of unlikely bedfellows.
Frocks and stocks make unlikely bedfellows, but as designers play to an ever larger market, they find themselves paying more attention to the bottom line.
"At one computer conference we won an award for being the most unlikely bedfellows."
But the festival seems unperturbed by the prospect of this unlikely new bedfellow.
A marimba, a trumpet and a cello seem unlikely bedfellows.