Unlike most other Native Hawaiian songs, it is written without the beautiful imagery of nature.
Unlike songs about romance, sexuality or death, flying songs have more standardized and predictable lyrics.
Unlike other songs on the album, "Garbadge Man" was written in standard tuning.
Unlike other songs on Breakout, "Fly on the Wall" has Cyrus' voice processed to sound different.
Night songs are typically unlike daytime songs, being longer and more complex.
The song would be Vanilla Ninja's first ballad, featuring a slow tempo, unlike most previous songs which had been fairly upbeat.
Unlike songs, which often need little explanation, I felt it necessary to introduce the characters with a brief synopsis of their function.
Males attract females with a song that, unlike similar songs used by cicada and crickets, are outside the sonic range audible to humans.
Unlike most songs on the album and by N.W.A, the song is almost devoid of profanity and violent content.
As messages go, the ecological suggestions are nothing if not direct; unlike songs, they're supposed to be interpreted in just one way.