Bed before nine was enough unlike her son to worry her.
He was a tall, strapping man with dark hair, not unlike his son.
Unlike his son, he is never described as having ever faced the English in battle.
My sister's an aspie - her word for it - but unlike your son, we didn't have parents who were aware there was a problem.
Henry was active in local politics although, unlike his son and grandsons, he never became a member of parliament.
She was such a natural, uncomplicated child, unlike his son.
Smith was not a good player, unlike his son, but is known to have taken part in 45 major matches between the 1787 and 1796 seasons.
He would never truly be a Fremen, unlike his son.
Unlike his son, he is incredibly strong but rather unintelligent.
But unlike his son, Daishuu is very popular with women.