Unlike older black leaders, I don't want black unity.
And unlike other black leaders, General Powell did not have trouble expanding his support to white voters.
Unlike many officers and leaders, Koloth did not find ways to pit his subordinates against each other.
Unlike so many politicians or military leaders they made no attempt to justify their mistakes, to cling to power.
Unlike leaders of most other countries, America's president is required under the Constitution to be both political manager and head of state.
But unlike other local leaders, he is not optimistic that his group will take root and endure.
Unlike other Soviet leaders, in jokes he is always harmless.
Unlike leaders who concentrate on the rule and their goals, he is forever stymied by exceptions.
But unlike previous leaders, he does have to make people change their behavior -work harder, offer ideas, take initiative.
Unlike other nationalist leaders, he has never had to prove his toughness.