Unlike most modern authors he did not always choose the smallest primitive root.
Unlike other contemporary renowned authors such as Rabindranath Tagore, Premchand was not appreciated much outside India.
Unlike earlier authors, Dołęga-Chodakowski identified Christianity as a negative influence on national character.
Not unlike authors who have manipulated newspaper best-seller lists by buying copies of their own books, one ordered books through Amazon to raise his ranking there.
Unlike other authors of the genre, Tolkien never favoured signing his works.
Unlike other authors who examined the process of adopting a deviant identity, Goffman explored the ways people managed that identity and controlled information about it.
Unlike monster-salary, monster-ego authors, he is surprisingly self-effacing.
Unlike previous authors, they moved away from soft water plants as the major part of the diet, but retained the interpretation of an amphibious lifestyle.
As things stand, such authors, unlike other authors, are not able to benefit from revenues accrued through reproduction rights and the renewed presentation of their work.
Unlike most authors, Bakshi used to write only once.