We can't afford to be found by the police with an unlicensed gun.
One man was charged with carrying an unlicensed gun and four others with disorderly conduct.
In all three shootings, an unlicensed gun was used in self-defense.
In 1994 he was found deportable because he had been convicted of carrying an unlicensed gun.
Such legislation, he said, should be coupled with a crackdown on unlicensed guns by teams of Federal and local law-enforcement officers.
A 6-year-old boy accidentally shot and killed his 4-year-old sister while playing with an unlicensed gun Saturday in their Brooklyn home.
An unlicensed gun is a tragedy waiting to happen.
The police said Haselrig had an unlicensed gun in the car and was drunk.
He was almost done once, for having possession of an unlicensed gun.
Police say they Howdy had three unlicensed guns.