Products include "point-to-point" and "point-to-multipoint" radios that operate in the licensed and unlicensed bands.
However, when in 2.4 GHz, enabling this option takes up to 82% of the unlicensed band, which in many areas may prove to be infeasible.
In large-scale wireless systems, the use of this stack results in a network that is unable to respond to volatile spectrum availability which can be typical in unlicensed bands where interference prevails.
Wireless Home Digital Interface (WHDI) specification uses 20 or 40 MHz channels the 5 GHz unlicensed band, offering lossless video and achieving equivalent video data rates of up to 1.5 or 3 Gbit/s.
Licensed-Band Cognitive Radio, capable of using bands assigned to licensed users (except for unlicensed bands, such as the U-NII band or the ISM band.
The success of the unlicensed band in accommodating a range of wireless devices and services has led the FCC to consider opening further bands for unlicensed use.
Early versions of the controller's radio transceiver run in the 900 MHz unlicensed band, while later versions of the controller use a transceiver that operates at 2.4 GHz.
Because Wi-Fi uses unlicensed bands of the radio spectrum, by law it must rely on low-power transmitters, which reduce its ability to penetrate walls.
Anyone may transmit, as long as they respect certain transmission power and other limits: open spectrum bands such as the unlicensed ISM bands and the unlicensed ultra-wideband band, and the somewhat more regulated amateur radio frequency allocations.
These frequencies are outside of the FCC allocated Part 15 unlicensed band, but still inside of the 5.8 GHz (5 cm) amateur radio band.