Election officials barred Mr. Abubakar from running because he was indicted on corruption charges by an administrative panel, but the Supreme Court ruled days before the election that he had been unlawfully removed.
The directive says that member states shall return 'cultural objects' which have been unlawfully removed from the territory of another member state.
The Directive concerns the return of cultural goods which have been unlawfully removed from another member State.
Stacye Scarborough, Clark's sister, was reported to have sought custody of her nieces a year before the events under discussion; authorities were non-communicative, and failed to report to her that the 2-year-old had been unlawfully removed from foster care.
If the goods are removed unlawfully, we may hold the person holding the goods personally liable for any customs debt incurred.
In 2004 Conte called for a public investigation into accusations that Arvada Mayor Ken Fellman may have unlawfully removed his opponent's campaign signs.
For one thing, Russian officials at the conference continued to contend that despite agreements with Germany in 1990 and 1992 to return "unlawfully removed cultural property," the seizure of German artworks may not have been unlawful under certain interpretations.
Vivian Alvarez Solon (born 30 October 1962) is an Australian who was unlawfully removed to the Philippines by the Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs (DIMIA) in July 2001.
One draft directive the trade is worried about regards the return of cultural treasures unlawfully removed from another member state (see The Art Newspaper No.16, March 1992, p.1).
Very great hopes indeed, since every Member State will be able, if it wishes, to return cultural objects which were unlawfully removed from the territory of other Member States before 1993.