The women walked slowly and carefully out of a doorway as if venturing forth to explore unknown space.
His recollections were very confused, but the scene with the black man in the unknown space stood out vividly.
She felt the pressure of her finger on a doorbell and heard the sound of ringing in the unknown space beyond.
To paint, is to write as well, its to advance slowly by trial and error into an unknown space.
All beyond the pitiless stone wall, is unknown space.
It was concluded that the ship plunged out of control into unknown space, dead, or dying.
Voyager is still 55,000 light-years away, and looking at another 55 years of travel through unknown space to get back home.
I opened the door in front of me, stepped across the threshold, and closed myself into this unknown space.
Just the two of us, exploring unknown space, with no responsibilities.
And you've the chance to explore unknown space.