But the obscure property in Cerons or Loupiac, virtually unknown outside the region, cannot.
Although an unknown property in the industry at the time, the venue was packed out.
He grabbed the nearest weapon, which, in this case happened to be an alien Blaster of unknown properties.
One unknown property of the vaccines now being researched is the persistence of their protective effects.
A new use of a known substance is patentable provided the use takes advantage of a previously unknown property.
The older program simply ignores the 'unknown' property while rendering the known elements of the document.
Some of these products are plant phytoestrogens, and some have unknown properties.
Suntory had made an earlier overture for a virtually unknown property and had been rebuffed.
Brooks conjectures that the results might be explained by some previously unknown property of water.
He also wields a shield of unknown properties.