Her gaze shifted off my face, fixed onto some unknown distance behind us.
It was like he stared into the future, thought Quentin, beyond this time and place, or perhaps very far into the unknown distance.
Everyone in the group looked around, but no one had a vocation which required an ability to accurately judge unknown distances.
During the unknown distance phase students will run 100 pound steel targets out to ranges between 300 and 800 yards.
Nothing more than tall ripples of earth disturbed the horizon for an unknown distance.
At last, with three ships, he followed that coast east through distances hitherto unknown.
-But the Road continued an unknown distance into the continent.
Smaller scale residential architecture extends for an unknown distance beyond this.
The barking came again-just a whisper now, from an unknown distance.
She was an unknown distance from Skybowl and at the end of the third candle when the flame bent to the left.