The second series is dedicated to re-circulating unjustly forgotten authors from the past, and the third is a collection of children's books.
Family are also often seen as an unjustly forgotten act, when compared with other bands from the same period and have been described as an "odd band loved by a small but rabid group of fans".
On the one hand, Russia has many unjustly forgotten domestic varieties, but we have criminally impoverished our vegetable repertoire by turning down European varieties.
Mitchievici describes Karnabatt as the author of "unjustly forgotten" Decadent poetry.
Jorge Luis Borges remarked that Papini had been "unjustly forgotten" and included some of his stories in the Library of Babel.
The Prophecy doesn't take Defiance beyond the bounds of what they'd already accomplished on their unjustly forgotten earlier albums, but it doesn't tarnish their artistic legacy, either.
Not all articles are dryly academic however; there are often interesting or amusing anecdotal forays into historical nooks, or revealing examinations of unjustly forgotten soldiers.
Waller's lively, colourful and fascinating book should help restore interest in an unjustly forgotten icon.
The unjustly forgotten Ken Williams.
Elsewhere in the show, we are reminded of the ensemble quality of entertainments now unjustly forgotten.