The patient needs urgent attention..." There was an immediate objection from Fletcher regarding her unjustified use of the word "patient.
Judicial murder is the unjustified use of capital punishment.
But prosecutors, in a trial in which Officer Del-Debbio was convicted of second-degree assault, argued that the issue was not race, but the unjustified use of excessive force.
"We deplore the unjustified and unprovoked use of force against citizens peacefully expressing their right to freedom of assembly."
Joined by the Rev. Al Sharpton, the family of a woman who was killed during a struggle with a police officer, Wednesday denounced the shooting as an unjustified use of deadly force.
In addition, there is seemingly arbitrary use of solitary confinment and "repeated and possibly unjustified use of tear gas and firearms within the camp."
He said the scan would be "clearly very inappropriate" because it would not necessarily show what was wrong and would be an unjustified use of a very expensive technology.
He has also suspended 5 for unjustified use of force.
There is unjustified use of the issue of loss of employability.
The decision of the Israeli government to board the Rachel Corrie and divert her away from Gaza is a completely unjustified and unacceptable use of force.