Throughout all of his novels there are subtle references to la violencia, for example, characters living under various unjust situations like curfew, press censorship, and underground newspapers.
We must correct this unjust and immoral situation.
Often, they are rejected by their peers and follow through by restoring justice in what they see as an unjust situation.
The [1] is given out as a means "to acknowledge and celebrate individuals or organizations whose courage, persistence, and determination has changed an unjust situation in the world."
Let us hope that the judge, who will make a decision on the women's appeal in one week's time, realises how ridiculous and unjust the situation is.
This report is important because it is going to resolve the unjust and discriminatory situation of self-employed workers and, at the same time, promote entrepreneurship amongst women.
This has led not only to unjust situations for defendants, but has also created an unjustified burden on the resources of the state executing the warrant.
I therefore call on the Commission and the Council to submit legislative proposals to correct this unjust situation.
The unjust and frustrating situation faced by many Chicanos motivated Rivera.
In reality, he maintains, small inequalities established by just transactions accumulate over time and eventually result in large inequalities and an unjust situation.