The reasons for this may have been the arguably unjust rule of Xerxes.
Street knew in his chalky bones thatAmerica could not survive another reign of unjust rule, of government by terror.
Orengo became well known for his fight against unjust rule and spent several years in detention as a result.
His overbearing and unjust rule stops at our borders.
"It may be fairly said that the doctrine survives only in the unjust and much criticised English rule of tacking."
He refused to pledge allegiance to what he considered the unjust rule of the Umayyads.
It is also an uncommon example of a rebellion group under an unjust rule being portrayed as evil instead of just.
In the majority of African countries unjust rule remains and the same rulers have often been in power for decades.
To secure and maintain freedom from unjust and unlawful rules and regulations affecting member's careers.