It was the film's depiction of Jesus's unjust fate that he says spurred him to convert.
Yet for a species that has the power to reason about a doom written in the stars, it's an unjust fate!
No railing at the heavens over an unjust fate.
In the meantime, as the mayor's wife, I will not allow this other man to meet a similar unjust fate.
What has Lmnear-san done to deserve this grossly unjust fate?
But as a Starfleet officer and a Klingon warrior, I cannot abandon you to an unjust fate.
When she is not bemoaning her unjust fate, Esther is belittling her daughter.
Subordinate females might be expected to rebel against their unjust fate, except that among mongooses, patience does pay off.
He wanted to portray "characters at the mercy of a predetermined, unjust fate" who "belong together but collide heavily".
Four people affected by the same unjust fate, that strikes everyone without discrimination, living stories than speak on family, inner expiation and love.