The Jehovah's Witnesses in Transnistria have reported several incidents of administrative fines and unjust arrests of their members.
To save Floyd from unjust arrest, Tom knocks down the deputy.
Unless a journalist can pry open the files, the real story of a man's unjust arrest and trial will remain under wraps.
"There are a larger than usual number of unjust arrests," Li Jinsong acknowledged.
Your case symbolizes the unjust arrests of countless individuals.
One member of Bogle's group protested in the court, over the unjust arrest and was immediately arrested, angering the crowd further.
The European arrest warrant and trials in absentia mean that we have lost our most basic protections from unjust arrest and imprisonment.
What justice is there when, under the European arrest warrants, national courts have been stripped of their powers to protect their own citizens from unjust arrest and imprisonment?
The British courts cannot now protect British citizens from unjust arrest and imprisonment by foreign courts.
British courts have been stripped of their ability to protect British citizens from unjust arrest and imprisonment when they are extradited to a foreign country.