There are several causes of collective guilt: salient group identity, collective responsibility, and perception of unjust in-group actions.
(For example when a minority is being arrested by the police and one attempts to create a connection with past unjust actions)
The State Department confirmed the expulsion and called it an "unjust action," but did not identify the American, either.
The students were so opposed to this unjust action they dedicated an entire issue of the school newspaper to Stölzl upon her dismissal.
"But they're trying to defend themselves against a response to their own unjust actions."
According to Weatherman, if people tolerated the unjust actions of the state, they became complicit in those actions.
And just actions cause justice, and unjust actions cause injustice?
Obama called on the Iranian Government to stop "violent and unjust" action against the protesters, but resisted calls to do more than that.
Were Reid's punitive actions fair or unjust?
Jem decides to look into the Reparations - a petition downworlders and mundanes use to gain compensation for unjust actions against their person.