Smuts came to Cambridge at the age of twenty-one, three or more years older than the typical university undergraduate.
The novel is on reading lists for both secondary school pupils and university undergraduates.
Current Events seminars are designed for university undergraduates interested in current public policy issues.
At the Library of Congress, the manuscript division is closed to high school students and most university undergraduates.
In 2005 women accounted for about 39.3% of all university undergraduates, and their numbers were slowly increasing.
This grant is available for all years of an eligible university undergraduate, college, or trade school program.
However, college officials said they anticipated that more than half the university's 9,323 undergraduates would choose the five-year work-study program.
Chinese university undergraduate and graduate enrollments more than doubled from 1995 to 2005.
Within Kabul alone the ruling affected 106,256 girls, 148,223 male students and 8,000 female university undergraduates.
For a university undergraduate the research may be a dissertation, which is the student's first attempt at a piece of individual research.