The university does not pay them the entire bonus in one year, but retains a part to offset potential future negative performance.
Although it does receive some state money, the university is privately chartered and retains characteristics of a private institution.
The university retained the hotel chef after purchasing it.
The university retains title to the individual lots and leases them to homeowners at rates that now range from $75 to $200 a year.
To me it begs the question, why was the university even retaining the Social Security numbers of students?
Finally, in 1948 the women were admitted to full membership of the university, although the university still retained powers to limit their numbers.
She writes: "Without boosters, perhaps universities could retain control of their mission.
The university retains its status as an Anglican foundation.
The university retains its right to use the land for its "research, education and engagement mission" in perpetuity.
Many of the medieval traditions have carried into the modern era, and universities retain certain historical privileges.