Perhaps it was time to have done with it, to accept a university post somewhere and enjoy life for a while.
After taking early retirement from his university post, Ellis continued to provided linguistic expertise as an expert witness in court cases.
Jobs - both university posts and those from outside companies - are normally advertised through the Student Union.
The new electronic music artists don't hold university posts anymore; they're hungry freelancers.
He later became a scientist, but was fired from his university post for being a Jew.
But the idea of true integration - that is, a normal university post - new seems little more than a pipedream.
Few scientists held university posts, and education in science was weak.
He was deprived of his university post in 1666, as a Presbyterian.
I have just received a letter from Italy, where a competition was held to appoint 1 600 scientists to university posts.
He retired from his university post in 1999 but continued to research and write.