The university paid $9.8 million to settle the matter, while admitting no wrongdoing.
At the college level, controversy arose over whether a university should pay for a publication by a religious student organization.
However, the university still does not pay a living wage.
The university also paid $45.00 in cash to help pay for their return train fare.
"If the university had paid me nothing, I still would have done it."
The university pays salaries, which total about $50,000 a year, and provides office space.
The university pays great attention to the problems of the Kuban region.
The university paid $775,000 from school funds and private donors.
He would not specify how much the university had paid, but said it averaged about $1 million a unit.
Gyrodyne rejected a $26.3 million offer, saying the land was worth much more; the final amount the university will pay has not yet been set.