That month, the university converted the lofts into rent-stabilized units, which involved $100,000 in improvements to the buildings.
The university bought the station for one dollar in 1952 and converted it to non-commercial status.
The university is converting the premises to classroom space, John Beckman, vice president for public affairs, said in an e-mail message.
The university converted the hospital into apartments, a local government was organized, and Adair Village post office established in 1947.
The university is also converting some of its lighting to low-flow fixtures.
But some universities can convert points in the external independent test certificate according to their own rating system.
Many universities converted them to run on natural gas, hydrogen, and electric power.
After the Browns left for Baltimore, the university converted the facility into a residence hall.
He said the university does not plan to use the space for commercial purposes and will probably convert it to large classrooms.
The university converted the home into a center on art history and archeology that houses a library, classrooms and offices.