Florida has one of the largest university budgets in the United States at nearly $4.377 billion per year.
The amount of money at issue is not large - $10 million to $15 million in a university budget of $1.1 billion.
From 1945 to 1948, the university budget increased from $4.8 million to $9.8 million.
Meanwhile, he has kept the university budget balanced for the last 10 years.
The university budget and state government funding for its support both increased fourfold.
His resignation occurred amidst deep controversy over changes to the university budget and staffing.
It also oversees the universities financial activities and passes the university budget.
He cut the university budget by 10 percent and proposed charging tuition.
Twice in the last 12 months, cuts in the university budget brought racial politics into the open.
The university budget grew from $43 million to $73 million.