Moreover, Autocad 12, although universally viewed as a bit long in the tooth at two years into its product cycle, is holding up well.
The 2004 draft was anchored by the 6-foot-11 Dwight Howard, a high school star, but one almost universally viewed as worthy of the top pick.
Mr. Rao, 70 years old and thought to be in poor health, was almost universally viewed as a transitional figure.
"It has since been almost universally viewed as a reprehensible mistake."
And obtaining a commitment from Mr. Netanyahu for the pause on building settlements would be universally viewed as a serious ideological concession.
Portrayals of Mormon characters in popular writing have not been universally viewed as negative by Mormons.
Although entertainment is universally viewed as the Next Big Thing on the Internet, no one is certain yet of the formula for success.
The files can be opened and viewed universally, regardless of operating system or PDF viewer.
This action by Grishin backfired and was almost universally viewed as a cruel act.
There are a few late dates of around 8000 BP for Megatherium remains, but these are currently not universally viewed as credible.