It has made her work at once mysterious and transparent, strange yet familiar in an almost universal sense.
"But they also show an almost universal sense of concern for trying to help people through volunteer activities and public service."
Individual beings are all part of each other in the universal sense, making up Infinite Being.
What is the universal sense of want and ignorance, but the fine inuendo by which the soul makes its enormous claim?
Irritation is apparently the only universal sense shared by even single-celled creatures.
The depression is compounded by an almost universal sense that the war is far from over.
Moral Minds: How nature designed our universal sense of right and wrong.
There's a universal sense that this has been managed poorly.
You can never persuade me that this is not repugnant to the universal sense of mankind.
From this universal sense it was used more specifically to describe the international law that governed Rome's relationship with other states.