But for now the old loyalties to tribes and sects still matter more than any universal concept of justice.
Opposition to the goals of Hitler is a universal concept.
However, when deconstructed, each individual letter may refer to some universal concept found in the system that the formula appears.
Several definitions of this universal human concept are used according to context, need and convenience.
The most universal concept would then have contained all reality in itself.
The most universal concept would thus have the least particular content and be the emptiest.
The nature of theories will be affected depending on whether universal or particular concepts are employed as basic constructs.
Yes, but the results of the survey would seem to be universal concepts that might apply to any form of advertising.
Anyone who thinks beauty is a universal concept should visit some of the places we did.
The more resolutely we address specific problems, the clearer it becomes that human rights are not a Western but a universal concept.